Large user intelligent power management


As the quality of life improves, People’s consumption of electricity is increasing day by day, the traditional metering management mode of power companies faces several major difficulties:

1. The costs of meter reading and operating are greatly increased.

2. The manual meter reading cycle is long and the data accuracy is poor.

3. The commercial line loss is very high, calculation is difficult, and timeliness is poor.

4. The Electricity consumption information cannot be obtained in real time.

5. The power quality cannot be monitored in real time.

6. There is no power demand side management.

7. Insufficient means of anti-tampering.

8. Too much difficulties in management of equipment from multiple manufacturers.

AMI Solutions


AMI is a complete measurement and interconnection measurement solution from energy meters, concentrators, to communication data collection, processing, analysis and control. The solution includes equipment layer, communication layer, acquisition layer (HES), application layer (MDM), and Interface layer (CIM).

1. The equipment layer includes energy meters and concentrators.

2. To adapt to different business scenarios. The communication layer supports multiple communication methods (GPRS/3G/4G, Ethernet, G3/LoRa/NB-LoT etc.)

3. The collection layer supports a variety of protocols, including but not limited to DLMS/COSEM, which protects users' existing investments, seamless compatibility with multiple databases (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server); supports load balancing and cluster deployment.

4. The application layer supports custom reports, GIS integration technology and data mining technology.

5. The interface layer complies with the IEC61968 specification, conforms to the CIM format, and flexibly supports the custom interface format of various manufacturers through adaptive technology.


1. Resident, Transformer and Commercial user.

2. The upgrade from traditional metering to smart metering, which is automatic meter reading instead of manual meter reading;

3. Intelligent metering can further improve the accuracy of decision-making, the timeliness of meter reading, reduce non-technical line losses, and improve customer satisfaction;

4. Multi-manufacturer equipment and multi-system (HES, etc.) coexist, with unified data interface and unified business applications.

5. Power demand side management.


1. Accurate measurement, automatic meter reading, increase revenues, reduce the costs of meter reading and operating.

2. A variety of communication technologies complement each other, which improves the success rate of data collection.

3. The anti-tampering technology can protect the revenues of the user effectively.

4. Power analysis, load analysis, and grid quality analysis can provide data support for grid planning and power demand side management.

5. Line loss analysis can provide accurate data supports for users to manage line loss.

6. To improve management efficiency, the integration of multiple systems can provide unified data, unified application portals.

7. The complete and unified business data provided by MDM can effectively support the realization of advanced business applications such as line loss management, power demand side management, and transformer monitoring.

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